I meant to blog about my blogiversary, but I just never got around to it. I really hate to post without pictures, but I just haven't gotten around to taking any yet. So, I missed my blogiversary due to simply wanted a pretty to look at post.
Then I figured. Maybe I don't need to post pictures of knitting/my life. Instead, I present you with this very cute image of a baby dressed as a lobster in a pot.

Too cute. I'm attempting to get my brother Jason to dress up my nephew David in this outfit for his first Halloween. Too, too adorable. It's an almost lethal injection of cute. ::dies::
NOW, onto my blogiversary post I had intended:
Last year, around this time, my life was very, very different. In honor of the major changes in the past year, here's a life of my life last year and this year.
Last year I was:
learning to knit
interning at the Treasury Department
living on-campus
about to start my senior year of college
deciding to take the LSAT and go to law school
dating Peter
not able to drink legally
This year I am:
far more advanced in my knitting skills (I've knit a sweater, camisole, socks, hats, a hoodie, and so on and so forth.)
a full-time litigation clerk for a large law firm in DC
living in a townhouse in Alexandria with my car parked in the garage
a college graduate
preparing to retake the LSAT (not that I did bad that first time, just not well enough) and planning to apply next fall to law school
dating David, after a period of actually enjoying being single
able to drink, with a good tolerance and ability to quit when I realize I need to
Ah, life has changed. More in good ways, than bad. So Happy Blogiversary to me! Happy One Year of Knitting as well! And I'm excited to see how far along I've come when the next year rolls around.